Danish Krone to Swedish krona (DKK to SEK) Exchange Rates. As of 08 April 2021, the current exchange rate of 1 Danish Krone is equal to 1.368222 Swedish krona. This is a decrease of -6.686199% (or -0.098037 SEK) compared with the same time last year (08 April 2020), when 1 Danish Krone equaled 1.466259 Swedish krona.


SEK to DKK currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Swedish Krona to Danish Krone allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years.

Exchange rates. Norges Bank quotes some 40 exchange rates. Publication time of daily exchange rates is approximately 16:00 CET. If you are looking for exchange rates that are not quoted on our website, we suggest that you consult other Internet sites. Result of conversion 3 Danish Krone to Swedish Krona.

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DKK/SEK: Historical exchange rates. 1 0. Updated: 23 Feb 2021 18:02:31 UTC. Today’s best DKK to SEK exchange rates. Sort by: Name Product Minimum Transfer Transfer Time Transfer Fee TransferWise - Denmark. DKK 1.39 1-2 days 1.36016 sek: 0.73521 dkk = 1 sek: 2 dkk = 2.72031 sek: 1.47042 dkk = 2 sek: 5 dkk = 6.80078 sek: 3.67605 dkk = 5 sek: 10 dkk = 13.60157 sek: 7.35209 dkk = 10 sek: 15 dkk = 20.40235 sek: 11.02814 dkk = 15 sek: 20 dkk = 27.20313 sek: 14.70419 dkk = 20 sek: 25 dkk = 34.00391 sek: 18.38024 dkk = 25 sek: 50 dkk = 68.00783 sek: 36.76047 dkk = 50 sek 108,001 DKK/SEK - 108,001 Danish Krone to Swedish krona. As of 12 April 2021, the current exchange rate of 108001 Danish Krone is equal to 147,845.27 Swedish krona.

On March 20, 2021 the Official SEK to DKK Exchange Rate: Close: 1 SEK = 0.7362 DKK. Best: 1 SEK = 0.73620 DKK. Worst: 1 SEK = 0.73620 DKK. Today's Live Swedish Krona to Danish Krone Spot Rate:

9 Samoa Tala to Swedish Krona currency converter. 9 WST = 22.2597 DKK 9 WST to DKK. 9 WST = 19.5658 BRL USD , EUR, GBP, DKK, SEK, Daglige kurser, Siste 365 dager, CSV XLSX JSON. to Swedish Krona allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years.

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3 DKK = 4.10573 SEK. 3 Swedish Krona To Danish Krone . Exchange Rates Updated: Apr 09,2021 05:17 UTC. Full history please visit DKK/SEK History

Convert 10,000 DKK to SEK with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Danish Krone / Danish Krone rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email. Thursday, April 1st: A important gain brought the rate to 1.38148, the highest level in three months. Wednesday, March 31st: The DKK/SEK quote went down to 1.37662. Monday, March 29th - Tuesday, March 30th: The quotation went up for two trading days in a row, reaching 1.3779. Friday, March 26th: A 0.00042 depreciation brought the exchange to 1.37041. View SEK Rates Table; View DKK / SEK Graphs; View DKK / SEK Currency Calculator; 1.

CHF/SEK. 9,26SEK. -0,04 SEK · Japanska yen*. JPY/SEK.

31 Dec 2019 Historical exchange rate from Danish Kroner (DKK) to Swedish Kronor (SEK) for December 31, 2019. ECB euro reference exchange rate.

SEK= Swedish krona. DKK/SEK. Här räknar du snabbt om Dansk Valuta till SEK och tvärtom till en This is the US Dollar (USD) to Swedish Krona (SEK) exchange rate history  Exchange rates Växelkurser Krone ( DKK ) Mark ( FIM ) 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Krona ( SEK ) 318.10 394.90 623.90 8.173 16.625 28.670 40.545 42.060  Exchange rates Växelkurser Currency units per US dollar : End of period .
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1 DKK = 1.38 SEK at the rate on 2021-04-04. The page provides data about today's value of one krone in Swedish Kronor. The interactive form of the currency calculator ensures navigation in the actual quotations of world currencies according to “Open Exchange Rates” and displays the information in a graph.

1 SEK = 0.73 DKK at the rate on 2021-04-06. The page provides data about today's value of one krona in Danish Kroner.

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This is the Swedish Krona (SEK) to Danish Krone (DKK) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2018, covering 365 days of SEK DKK historical data. Best 

This is the Swedish Krona (SEK) to Danish Krone (DKK) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2019,  Volume I: Exchange Rates, Prices, and Wages, 1277-2008 Välj valuta, SEK, ATS, AUD, BEF, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, CYP, CZK, DEM, DKK, EEK, ESP, EUR  ValutaparSpotkursÄndringAUD/SEK6.5689‑0.0423DKK/SEK1.3773‑0.0004EUR/SEK10.2432‑0.0085Visa 9 rader till Visa senaste minutens valutakurser och omvandla från Danska Kronor (DKK) till Svenska Kronor (SEK). Exchange-Rates.org Omvandla SEK till DKK. Sök View up-to-the-minute currency rates to convert from Swedish Kronor (SEK) to Danish Kroner (DKK). Use the foreign exchange rate that meets your company's requirements. Kursen avser 100 JPY för 1 SEK. Valutaomvandlare. Belopp: Räkna om från:. Här kan du se aktuella kurser för olika valutor och jämföra exempelvis aktuell dollarkurs (USD), eurokurs (EUR) och pundkurs (GBP) mot svenska kronor (SEK).

Danish Krone to Swedish krona (DKK to SEK) Exchange Rates. As of 08 April 2021, the current exchange rate of 1 Danish Krone is equal to 1.368222 Swedish krona. This is a decrease of -6.686199% (or -0.098037 SEK) compared with the same time last year (08 April 2020), when 1 Danish Krone equaled 1.466259 Swedish krona.

FIM = Finnmark. From 1 January 1999 Finland's currency is the euro. ISK= Icelandic krone. NOK = Norwegian krone. SEK= Swedish krona. DKK/SEK.

Convert 6 DKK to SEK to get actual value of this pair of currencies. We use international DKK/SEK exchange rate, and last update was today. Online converter show how much is 6 Danish Krone in Swedish Krona. 1 DKK = 1.37502 SEK. Convert Swedish Krona To Danish Krone .